Friday, December 11, 2009

Morrowind English Version Wocrepus! I Seek Morrowind Guidence! Help?

Wocrepus! I seek Morrowind guidence! help? - morrowind english version

ok heres my problem .... My sister gave me the Morrowind CD, so that legal downloads a torrent, I was told that by law (for all you crazy pple like to talk about the stealing is wrong)

In any case, the torrent works perfectly, but I had to reinstall my game ended in everything, including my saved games ... worst is my court and Bloodmoon expansion somehow released in the process ... But I also found a flood of extensions .. The only problem is Russia, which is basically where you click, guess to begin the installation of extensions, but my fear in the game interface will be changed to the Russian Morrowind.

reduced to the question:
If you decide to install the expansion of Russia at a Tribunal and Bloodmoon, will my game Morrowind ENGLISH RUSSIAN? Custom extension setup is all written in Russian?

Any1 have if you can add a link to the English court and Bloodmoon expansion packs give me, you can easily get 10 PNTS.

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